Health and Safety Policy
This document provides a brief statement that sets our FTR Visuals’ approach and responsibilities to Health and Safety. This policy is based on the HSE template.
FTR Visuals is a specialist visualisations company, providing technical photography and visualisations services to renewable energy and property developers. This work is completed by a mix of employees and sub-consultants. FTR Visuals does not have offices and so staff work at home, with some travel to site or to offices for meetings.
Health and Safety Statement
Our health and safety policy is to:
- Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
- Manage health and safety risks in our workplace
- Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure employees are competent to do their work
- Provide personal protective equipment
- Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
- Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
- Maintain safe and healthy working conditions
- Implement emergency procedures, including evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident
- Review and revise this policy regularly
Health and Safety Responsibilities
Overall and final responsibility for health and safety at FTR Visuals is Director Yannis Bougias. Yannis will have responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice and that all staff and sub consultants are working in a safe manner.
Risk Assessments
We will complete risk assessments for working at home and for other working locations and activities. Through these risk assessments we will identify required PPE, training and safe working practices. We will review risk assessments when working habits or conditions change. Sub-consultants will either work under our Health and Safety Policy or will provide their own risk assessments which meet out standards.
All FTR Visuals employees will receive a Health and Safety Induction when first employed. Specific training such as first aid training will be provided when identified by a risk assessment or on a project specific basis. Personal protective equipment will be provided as identified by a risk assessment and training will be provided on the equipment if required.
Health and Safety Review and Consultation
The health and safety policy will be reviewed on an annual basis as a minimum. We will regularly consultant our employees and make any changes to our health and safety policy and procedures as required.
Yannis Bougias, Director
Date: 5th September 2024