Environmental Policy
This document provides a brief statement that outlines FTR Visuals’ commitment to reducing its impact on the environment.
FTR Visuals acknowledges its responsibility to protect and enhance the environment for future generations. Through the provision of high-quality photography and visualisation services, FTR Visuals aims to make a significant contribution towards sustainable development in all aspects of its work.
FTR Visuals is committed to:
- Offering high quality professional advice on sustainable development and reducing impacts through careful project design and execution;
- Complying with relevant environmental legislation for all countries within which the Company operates and strive to follow up to date best practice and industry guidance throughout the Company;
- Minimise car use where possible through the use of public transport where practicable, encouraging car sharing for commuting and field work;
- Reduce waste through the reuse of materials and recycling wherever possible;
- Eliminate unnecessary travel through the use of conference and video meetings;
- Programme field work in order to minimise the potential to disturb sensitive habitats and species whilst maintaining high standards of deliverables; and
- Continue to monitor the objectives to ensure that all work is committed to making a positive impact on the environment.
All FTR Visuals Directors and Staff are responsible for the Company’s Environmental Impact.